Intro To Programming A simple template-format guide to programming in JavaScript for beginners April 10, 2020
OpenCore Hackintosh Guide A guide to install macOS High Sierra on specific hardware with OpenCore; most importantly the EVGA Z270 Stinger (200 series) March 26, 2020
Hackintosh Guide (Deprecated) A guide to install macOS Sierra on specific hardware; most importantly the EVGA Z270 Stinger (200 series) October 4, 2017
Canvas Rings Pattern An early project created to practice JavaScript and HTML. Uses HTML5 canvas to animate colored rings. March 29, 2012
Canvas Grapher An early project created to practice JavaScript and HTML. Uses HTML5 canvas to draw a parametric colored graph. April 3, 2012
Line Pattern An early project created to practice JavaScript and HTML. Uses HTML5 canvas to draw a set of lines which create a pattern over time. June 12, 2012
Canvas Blur Pattern An early project created to practice JavaScript and HTML5. Uses HTML5 canvas to draw several blurred spheres fading in and out. February 23, 2012
Space Zombies An old draft of a simple zombie-style 2D game using an HTML5 Canvas. Used often to test my multiplayer libraries using April 26, 2012
Ball Bounce with Physics An early project created to practice JavaScript and HTML. Uses HTML5 canvas to animate colored rings. April 29, 2011